This video has one flaw, call it an oversight, a blind spot, that moment when Pallaso is using a sledge hammer to remove a tree stump. Why? Why? Kill such an awesome plot with this defect? If you move beyond this, you’re presented with a flowing narration.

This video speaks to us the simple guys, the chaps with nothing to offer but words, poetry, songs, and more words. Pallaso immerses into this moment. He’s acting out something he’s probably lived. His body language rallies the emotions of the viewer.
This video plays out like a romantic movie. An African girl headed to the well, breaking off her girl group and making time with this man sweating out on the farm. For love in the African setup is that pause from work, an interlude in one’s day.
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The costuming hits all the spots. The makeup is set right for the occasion. It’s a video to watch when you run out of money to ‘Kusimbula’ and have only romantic lines to offer!