DALLAS, TEXAS- May 2, 2023: The Uganda North American Association (UNAA) in Dallas has extended an invitation to the Young Engineers Uganda team to attend their upcoming convention in September.
The team, which is representing Uganda in the Vex World Robotics Championship in Dallas, has been overwhelmed with gratitude towards the UNAA-DFW leadership, who organized a successful fundraiser that raised a total of $1,920.00, in addition to providing logistical support during their competition.

The kids’ coaches, as well as their team leader, Maureen Karamagi, were impressed by the kindness and generosity shown by the community, especially the DFW team that braved the chilly weather to meet and interact with the kids. The UNAA Council Representative, Mr. Gilbert Mulaabi, who is also the UNAA Dallas ’23 Local Organizing Committee Chairman, extended the invitation to the team in recognition of their innovative skills in robotics technology.
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The Byaruhanga and Rutehenda families were also appreciated for their consistent visits and moral support throughout the kids’ competition. The fundraising drive was championed by Rev. Joseph Kamugisha, who expressed his gratitude to all who helped in raising and sustaining the fundraising banner.

“This successful fundraiser and invitation to the UNAA Convention is a testament to the community’s support for young talent and innovation, and we wish the Young Engineers Uganda team all the best in their competition and future endeavors,” says Mr. Mulaabi
Journalist Arinaitwe Rugyendo, the Founder and Spokesman of Young Engineers was grateful for the offer.

“The philanthropic spirit exhibited by our countrymen and women in Dallas is amazing. The care and protection our children have received from them are massive. I thank them. May God bless the work of their hands.”
About UNAA
UNAA stands for the Ugandan North American Association, which is a non-profit organization that represents Ugandans living in North America. The organization was founded in 1988 and has since grown to become the largest and most active Ugandan diaspora organization in North America. UNAA aims to promote the interests of Ugandans living in North America, support their social, economic, and cultural development, and strengthen the relationship between the Ugandan diaspora and their home country.
UNAA hosts an annual convention, which is a flagship event that brings together thousands of Ugandans and friends of Uganda from all over North America. The convention provides a platform for networking, socializing, and discussing issues affecting the Ugandan community in North America and Uganda. UNAA also engages in community service activities, such as supporting healthcare and education initiatives in Uganda, as well as promoting cultural exchange programs. The organization is run by an elected board of directors and has regional chapters across North America.
About Young Engineers Uganda
Young Engineers Uganda is a STEM education program that aims to develop children’s interests and skills in robotics and engineering. It was established in Uganda in 2014 by a group of professionals passionate about promoting STEM education in the country. The program targets children between the ages of 5-15 years and provides them with hands-on experience in building and programming robots.
The program uses a practical learning approach that allows children to explore the concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a fun and engaging way. Young Engineers Uganda has been instrumental in nurturing young talent in Uganda and has produced some exceptional young engineers who have gone on to participate in various robotics competitions both locally and internationally. Their participation in the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas, is a testament to the program’s success in developing young innovators and problem solvers in Uganda.
About Xex Robotics Championship
The VEX Robotics World Championship 2023 is a global robotics competition that brings together over 20,200 students from more than 50 countries around the world. The competition is organized by the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation (REC) and VEX Robotics, with the goal of fostering the development of students’ teamwork, critical thinking, project management, and communication skills.
The VEX Robotics World Championship 2023 features multiple categories of competition, including the VEX IQ Challenge, VEX Robotics Competition, and VEX U. The competition challenges participants to design, build, and program robots to complete a series of tasks and challenges. The competition provides a platform for young innovators and problem solvers to showcase their skills and creativity and compete against the best students from around the world. The championship is a great opportunity for participants to learn from their peers, develop their skills, and make lifelong connections with fellow robotics enthusiasts from different parts of the world.
Below is their full statement:
The Uganda children from Young Engineers Uganda who are representing the country at Vex World Robotics Championship in Dallas USA have been invited to attend the Uganda North American Association (UNAA) in Dallas in September. Read this text and write a catchy story with a headline: Dear DFW Community and our friends from outside the community,
We would like to extend our appreciation to everyone that participated in the fundraising drive that was held last week to support the young kids from and representing Uganda, in the World Robotics Championship in Dallas, TX.
Upon learning about the kid’s trip to Dallas, the UAA-DFW leadership, launched a fundraising drive, in an effort to supplement the stay and logistical support of the kids, during their competition on the world stage.
Through your generous contributions, we managed to raise a total of $1,920.00 in addition to the purchase of a cell phone, which was handed over to help with communication during their stay.
The kids’ coaches together with their team leader Maureen Rugyendo were very grateful to all of you for your selfless donations, kindness, and loving gestures which were accorded to them since they arrived in the country.
Special thanks go out to the DFW team that braved the Saturday morning chilly weather and went down to the hotel to meet and interact with the kids.
The DFW team was led by our community leaders, Madame President Florence Bazanye, the community publicity secretary, and UNAA Council Representative Mr. Gilbert Mulaabi.
As a gesture of appreciation for the kids’ great talent and mesmerizing innovative skills, in the field of Robotics technology, Mr. Gilbert Mulaabi, who also doubles as the UNAA Dallas ’23 Local Organizing Committee Chairman, extended an official invitation for the kids to attend the forthcoming UNAA Convention in Dallas, later this year. (unaaonline.org)
Additionally, we would also like to appreciate the Byaruhanga and Rutehenda families, who have been consistent with their visits, cheering in addition to offering moral support to the kids during the entire period of their competition.
Lastly, Rev. Joseph Kamugisha, thank you for championing the Fundraising drive.
May God, bless each and every family and individuals who helped in the raising and sustaining of the fundraising banner.
UAA-DFW, Leadership.