By Aldine Nsubuga
A mic and a stage, is all that Cindy asked for. A mic and a stage is what the Nokia and the iphone were given last night. And now, the nation knows who is king – Cindy, the Nokia.
It was a trap that Sheebah – the iphone, never saw coming. Cindy knew that on stage there is no social media, no houses, no fans, no bank accounts, no CDs. Only the musician, a mic, instruments, glittering lights and a platform to perform. On stage, numbers mean nothing, music charts are powerless to define the musician. To win hearts, you’ve got to perform. And so last night at Kololo, it came down to this – live performance. To sing. If anyone ever told you that you can separate a singer from a voice, they lied. If anyone ever told you that you can separate a music artist from a stage performance, they lied too. Again.
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In asking for a mic and stage, Cindy wanted to define for us who a music artist is. What a music artist should be – a performer on stage because there; in front of a live audience, computers and software have no part to make you better than what you really are.
In accepting the dare, Sheebah had no idea what was coming up. Of course she was always going to give an electrifying dance act – it’s what she has always been – a dancer. And of course she was always going to thrill the audience with her fashion statement and captivate with her diva style; it’s why she’s loved. Unknown to her, this is exactly the difference Cindy wanted to expose. That when in music you put the question “who is better,” know what you are asking. Be sure you are not asking about fame or popularity.
The Cindy – Sheebah battle was always going to be settled on stage, not off it. Here, there is no veil. Fans can tell the difference between computer generated music and the human. The humans we saw last night are miles apart in music terms. One sings – Cindy; the other – Sheebah; sings along. Take the accompaniment away and you have nothing. The rest is for you to look back at the performances last night and analyse the defining moments. Cindy sanyu was never in doubt. I wasn’t.
To her credit, Sheebah has done well through the years to get to the top. An example of hard work pays. It takes a strong will, purpose and single mindedness for one to achieve their dream. Sheebah can sing. She is a natural entertainer. Her brand is lovable. Though computer aided, her music trends and has sold millions. She has a huge following and is mobbed by neutrals alike. She has her place in the industry and that is without doubt. For her numbers, the show biz value, her appeal and self belief, she gets her flowers. The problem is, she dared a lion in her jungle. The king of the jungle – Cindy Sanyu. Enough said.