A female upcoming musician has accused talented Chris Evans Kaweesi of demanding to bed her in exchange for a song.
Singer Princess Amirah claims songwriter and singer Chris Evans Kaweesi wanted to sleep with her before giving her a collaboration.
She further claims she turned him down.
And in return, Chris Evans refused to give her the song and instead he gave the song to another female singer, Serena Bata.
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She did not reveal how he gave the song to Serena Bata.
Serena Bata featured western pop star Ray G on the song.
For years, established musicians and music producers have been accused of taking advantage of struggling upcoming female musicians to get into their pants.

Renowned producer and artiste Daddy Andre has been accused of a host of female artists of the vice.
Princess Amirah- real name Namata Ruth Kiwuulo Mbabazi- is a Ugandan musician, singer, and songwriter. She came to the public’s attention in 2013 after releasing hit songs like “Ensonga” and “Asookya.”
Princess Amirah was born in Mityana.
She went to primary school in Mityana before joining Mityana Modern Secondary School for her ordinary level education. But because she couldn’t pay her school fees, she switched to St. Charles Secondary School, where she studied up to senior four. But she had to drop out of school during mock exams because she didn’t have enough money to pay for the exams.
Princess Amirah had to figure out what to do with her life after she quit school.
That’s when she decided to do some odd jobs to make money to pay for what she needed.
She started looking for jobs in restaurants and was lucky enough to find one that paid 1,000 shillings per day. Her job was to get up very early in the morning and start washing the dishes that customers had used at the restaurant.
She did that work for a while, and when she wasn’t doing that work, she wrote songs as a hobby.Then, one day, Princess Amirah decided that she wanted to start selling the songs she had been writing, but she didn’t know who would buy them or where she could go to sell them.
Princess Amirah then moved to Kampala, which is the capital city of Uganda, so she could sell her songs. She took a bus there with some money she had saved from working at the restaurant.
After she got to Kampala, she realized it would be hard for her to sell her songs because she didn’t know who to talk to or where to go for a studio.
She decided to look for odd jobs she could do, especially jobs she had done before in restaurants.
She went on some interviews and was offered a job where she would serve food and wash dishes. She started making some money there while she looked for other jobs.
Later, she also started selling clothes. She used the money she saved from her restaurant job to buy clothes to sell.
Later, she started selling stationery, and only then did she decide to try her hand in the music business.
Princess Amirah once met a Ugandan musician named Chris Evans, who put her in touch with the man who is now her manager and takes care of her music business. Princess Amirah has put out a lot of songs, such as Ensonga, Asookya, and many more.
She is an inspiration for all young people, especially young girls who want to get into the music business.