Police in Ibanda district has registered a case of suicide by poison by Akankunda Scovia alias Nalongo a female adult aged approximately 35years, munyankore by tribe working in Ibanda Central Market and a resident of Kafunjo cell Bufanda ward Bufanda Division Ibanda Municipality Ibanda district.
It’s alleged that the deceased was a Christian worshipping from Depth Ministries Church under the leadership of Pastor Bukenya Daniel who the deceased met and agreed to save her money with and he would later give it to her anytime she needed it so the deceased started saving with him.
The savings accumulated to 16,000,000/=(sixteen million shillings ) but when the deceased requested to have her money from the pastor,he claimed that she had only saved 800,000/=(eight hundred thousand shillings).
The deceased decided to report the matter to Police at CPS Ibanda on 06/11/2023 to intervene but when the Pastor was called he didn’t respond to his calls and the deceased was advised to seek legal redress in civil courts of law since the matter was civil in nature.
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The next day she went back to the pastor where things remained the same and deceased decided to take poison from the church in front of the Pastor.
She was rushed to the nearest clinic where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The body of the deceased was conveyed to Ruhoko health Center 4 mortuary for postmortem.